Thursday, October 29, 2009

Time for Spooky Stories!

Do you have any ghost stories? Are you a believer? If so, why? Have you experienced paranormal phenomena at any time in your life? Do you have any crazy stories?

If so, we want to hear about them! Feel free to post here. These will not be published outside of this blog and are only for the purpose of this blog page!

And remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Halloween is the time of year when our thoughts are considerably closer to the things that go bump in the night. This story always pops into my head when the ghouls are about. I can remember when I was younger I had what I thought was a very powerful dream. I was a toddler in a crib. The room was dark and something came in from an adjacent room. I remember the choking fear as the dark figure slithered through the room and crept up the crib. At the moment when the figure was atop the side, suddenly someone called out to the dark shadow and the figure fled from the crib. When I was a teenager I had this dream and I was describing it to my mother. Her face went white. She told me about a night when I was a child. We were staying with family in Massachusetts and she had put me to bed. While downstairs, she heard me cry and knew it was a cry of fear. She then ran upstairs and to her surprise she saw something at the side of my crib. She yelled out at it to leave me alone, and the figure vanished. I could describe the room to her with amazing detail, though I was only two years old at the time. While I am not entirely sold on all of the theories and practices of ghosts and ghost hunting, I know something lies on the otherside, sometimes benign, sometimes not.