Friday, January 23, 2009

What are the best ways that people are attempting to communicate with the deceased?

There are many ways that people are trying to reach out to those who are thought to have departed. Prayer, rituals, EVP, dreams, psychics, and Ouija boards are just to name a few.

Which are the best ways? Which are the worst? Which are the most compelling or intriguing ways? Do you believe communication is really possible? Why or why not?

We are an independent film and we want to hear your thoughts!

Please feel free to post here or email us at

1 comment:

AJG said...

That's a good question. It's hard to say exactly which way is the best way to communicate with the dead, if it is even possible at all. I myself am an open minded skeptic and an investigator hoping to find out exactly if there even is such a thing as a ghost. I'm excited by the possibility, but I am still not 100% convinced.
